Flexible Lighting In Modern Office Design

In recent articles, we’ve showcased the post-Covid workplace furniture options we offer and expect to see in modern offices worldwide. Equally important to the commercial workplace is flexible lighting.  Times and conditions continue to change …

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How You Can Future-Proof Your Office Now

Don’t wait until everyone is vaccinated to future-proof your office. By then, it will be too late to make the impactful decisions that will encourage your employees to return to work. Instead, now is the …

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Does Office Furniture Go Bad?

Updated December 30, 2020 Office furniture isn’t like spoiled milk in the refrigerator, but it’s not entirely unlike that futon you couldn’t live without after college. There’s a fashion element that goes out of style …

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Office Design Trends in 2021

Foretelling the future of office design trends has never been an easy task, and thanks to the global pandemic, the crystal ball has never been murkier than in 2021. With the arrival of a Covid-19 …

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How to Choose the Perfect Social Distancing Cubicle

Thanks to the innovative designs of modern office cubicles, your workplace comes to life, inspiring productivity, creativity, and safe collaboration throughout the day. We’ve gone from the simple felt-and-metal cubes of drab gray and stodgy, …

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