A few times a year we cover designer bags under $1,000 and the main complaint I see with each of those posts is that the bags we are highlighting are not exactly bags, they’re glorified wallets with a chain. Prices of designer items continue to grow and many of us who are designer bag obsessed figure most bags are going to cost around $2,000, with many venturing into a much higher price bracket. These price tags are part of the reason more contemporary brands are able to not only emerge, but also flourish in this market.
I was browsing Gucci.com the other day and stumbled upon this beauty, a new rendition of the Gucci Marmont Shoulder Bag. Take a look at this version of a now house classic, reimagined for Spring 2020, with a playful take on the House’s iconic GG supreme print logo. The classic beige/ebony GG canvas is given the same diagonal matelassé technique other Marmont leather bags sport, and the bag is trimmed with black leather. There is, of course, the archival double G hardware from the 70s in the center of the bag as well.
This combination not only speaks to every popular bag trend of the moment (logo, vintage-vibe, compact), but also it fits the under $1,000 price category, which is hard to come by. This bag is also a fine size, with dimensions of 9.5″W x 5″H x 3″D. I’ve had a lot of luck fitting plenty of items in bags this size, and the adjustable chain shoulder strap which allows the bag to be worn crossbody is a major plus as well.
As for the rest of the details? The interior has an open pocket and microfiber lining to give a suede like finish. The zipped top closure runs the entire length of the top of the bag and goes down a bit on each side, allowing the bag to open wide to access your items inside. And the zipper pulls on the closures are long, which is a design detail but also makes for ease of grabbing to zip and unzip.
There is still the leather versions of this bag (as well as other versions like python), but this new canvas version is really wonderful and available with black or red leather trim. Price is $980 via Gucci.com.
The post This Gucci Bag is Under $1,000 and I Love It appeared first on PurseBlog.