Slowing down each day (plus FREE live webinar)

“One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light but by making the darkness conscious.” C.G. Jung, Alchemical Studies, Volume 13 of the Collected Works This was Jung’s invitation at the very essence of psychological integration and also spiritual illumination. It’s not easy. It can ache and burn to turn back toward the abandoned, marginalized, forsaken aspects of ourselves, and of the ancestors, culture, and collective: all of the lost children, scattered orphans of psyche and soma. All healing, all transmutation is embodied, requiring a new relationship with the feeling-body, the subtle pathways, channels, underground storage areas, and the alchemical vessel that the body and extended nervous system are. A few times each day to shift our awareness into our immediate, embodied experience; to come out of the spin of the collective matrix, and into the belly, the heart, the throat, holding and dialoguing with the soul-figures who have been carrying all of the dissociated material on our behalf. The activity of love. How is it that the Totality, the great Beloved, is seeking to find expression, to incarnate into this world by way of this body-vessel? Stepping back from our experience and reflecting upon it, making sense of it, exploring its meaning is also a vital aspect of the path individuation. That reflection is going to be a lot more sensitive, alive, compassionate, and fresh, if we start first in the body, and prepare the vessel for a new unfolding. Right, left. Bottom-up, top down. Lunar, solar. Red king, white queen. The opposites are dancing within the inner body, longing to be held in union. Otherwise, there’s a way our reflection becomes a mere repetition of unresolved traumatic organization and the disowned shadow of family, culture, and transgenerational misperception and untended relational wounding. Inside that fire in our bellies, the emptiness in our hearts, the constriction in our throats; inside the arousal in our nervous systems, personified as the figures who come to us in dream and in fantasy, the Ally appears, the Beloved beckons, as emissaries of wholeness.Photo: into the ripe field of the mandala of Crested Butte FREE live webinar with Matt – Grounded Body, Clear Mind: Finding Your Center in Times of Uncertainty – register at no cost here – September 4 at 9am U.S. Pacific/ 5pm in London LIVE, six-week online journey/ course starting in September – The Soul Alchemist: Trusting Your Inner Guidance. Stay tuned for additional information and how to register. Access Matt’s YouTube channel here 

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