Wired to love and be loved

So many feel shame about their trauma and wounding, as if it is evidence that they’ve failed, it’s their fault, and that they should be able to “get over” it and heal on their own.Even if we “know” this isn’t accurate, these schemas live implicitly in our sensitive bodies and nervous systems, where they color our perception from within the somatic unconscious.These heartbreaking lenses of perception are reflected back to us by an increasingly disembodied and left-brain dominant culture, giving rise to the contemporary fantasy that I “should” be able to do it all on my own.The tribe has broken down, replaced by the device and the slow cortisol drip of a sympathetically aroused collective. And we wonder why it’s all falling apart.The emotional pain is tragic in and of itself, but underneath it is the underlying shame and deep sense of being alone, which is really at the root of trauma.As relational mammals, we are wired to co-regulate. We are not meant to “do it all on our own” and it is not an indication that something is “wrong” with us if we cannot always contain our own wounding.It is evidence that we are alive, with an open, sensitive, and majestic human nervous system. And a heart that longs to know Unity consciousness, that felt oneness with others, with Gaia, with the cosmos, with the Divine.We can do so much for one another, to help hold and transmute transgenerational, biographical, and collective trauma. To take a few moments, with compassionate presence, and really listen to another and be with them in a way where they feel felt and understood.Our world so desperately this needs right now.If you want to help someone in your life, help them to feel safe.Instead of “I am alone” with this fear, pain, confusion, and grief, “We are here together, and healing is possible.” I’ll stay near as the shattered unfolds itself into new levels of cohesion. Together, we’ll see through the eyes of Spirit and take the chaos as path.And then, together, bear witness as we’re crafted as transparent vessels in which this embodied realization may incarnate into the forests, the moon, the oceans, and the stars.FREE live webinar with Matt – Grounded Body, Clear Mind: Finding Your Center in Times of Uncertainty – register at no cost here – September 4 at 9am U.S. Pacific/ 5pm in London Matt’s new LIVE 6-week online group – The Soul Alchemist: Trusting Your Inner Guidance – will start in mid-September. Please check back here or sign up to Matt’s mailing list to receive information about the course and how to join. 

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