Support Black-Owned Handbag Brands, Part II

This week, the world has witnessed people across the globe come together to stand up against racism at a time when it is not only needed but also long overdue. While Vlad and I continue to educate ourselves on how we can be better allies personally, we also want to use our platform to showcase more Black-owned handbag brands for you. A 2016 study by economists at the Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research discovered that only 1% of black business owners get a bank loan during their first year as compared to 7% of white business owners. On top of that, Black businesses start out with far less capital than their white business counterparts (source). Starting a business and keeping it running is an expensive gamble, which is compounded if you start off having the cards stacked against you. While it seems small, purchasing directly from a small business has an immediate impact.

Following up on my last Black-Owned handbag brands to support, I’ve discovered and had readers reach out with additional brands to check out. Here is another list of really innovative, beautiful handbag brands from Black-owned designers. If you know of any others, please share in the comments below!

The post Support Black-Owned Handbag Brands, Part II appeared first on PurseBlog.

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