The decision to purchase a new bag is a thrilling one, especially when it comes to the big H. Yes, you guessed it, we’re talking about Hermès, which for many is the holy grail of bag brands. With fashion’s push towards shopping more sustainably coupled with the current economic climate, the resale market has become a buyer’s haven for secondhand finds. Now more than ever, buyers are turning towards the secondhand market to find their holy-grail bags and as more sellers look to streamline their collections, there are more options than ever.
We know that shopping the resale market can be overwhelming, so we’ve gathered info on some of Hermès’ most popular bags in order to help you make a clear, informed choice if you’re looking to purchase a pre-loved piece. To be clear, all prices are in USD and represent the current range of selling prices on popular resale sites. Included with each style you’ll find the average median selling price across all resale sites (excluding exotic prices which are notated with an asterisk*). Keep in mind that prices can vary greatly on the secondary market regardless of the brand, but with Hermès particularly, seasonal, limited edition, or highly sought after colorways will impact the cost dramatically.
If you liked this guide you may also like our other guides like our guide to how much popular Chanel bags cost on the resale market, a how-to guide to tying an Hermès scarf or our ultimate bag guide to the Chanel 19 bag.
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