Love It or Leave It: Summer Whites

One of the most widely discussed (and also largely broken) rules in fashion is the “no white after Labor Day” rule. The idea of retiring your whites for the winter has become almost obsolete these days, but there are still some traditionalists that store away their white bags and clothes for the colder months. Others, myself included, may fall somewhere in the middle, wearing white sparingly in the winter and more in the summer. Regardless of where you fall on the white-wearing spectrum, the selection of white clothing, and bags specifically, increases dramatically when designers release their warm weather collections.

Whether an off white or a bright white, bags in the beloved neutral tone are incredibly easy to throw on and wear, matching almost any summer outfit. Conversely, a white bag is incredibly difficult to care for, and one has to be mindful of color-transfer, stains, dirt and everything in between. For that reason, many bag lovers shy away from the cloud-colored hue, opting for nudes or blush tones instead. While I understand the sentiment behind choosing not to invest in a white bag, I still love them. Bags are meant to be adored and used, and though a white bag requires more attention and care than virtually any other color, if it makes you feel good then I say go for it. Personally, I own 3 white bags already—two premium designer and one contemporary, but I wouldn’t hesitate to purchase another should it catch my eye. Are you part of the love it crew? Check out this summer’s selection of white beauties below!

The post Love It or Leave It: Summer Whites appeared first on PurseBlog.

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