Relational healing and the shattered heart

As relational mammals with the sort of nervous system that we’ve been crafted with and the kind of heart that we’ve been provided with, the experience of abandonment and aloneness is really the greatest type …

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Trauma and the journey home

Much of our wounding occurs prior to the acquisition of language and is not able to be healed through questioning and reorganizing patterns of thinking.We can’t think our way out of trauma, attachment, and narcissistic …

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A rebirth that is whole

In each moment the sacred process of death and rebirth is playing out within us. With each breath, something in us is dying: some aspect of who we think we are or what we’re doing …

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Into the Thanksgiving field

On this new Thanksgiving Day, it is so easy to take for granted that tomorrow will come – that another opportunity will be given to witness a sunrise, spend a moment with someone we love, …

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The heart is quivering, but alive

The contradictory feelings of hope and hopelessness, connection and collapse, anxiety and rest. The shakiness in the belly. The tightness in the throat. The shattering emptiness inside the heart. Glimpses of true joy that in …

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Revealing an open door

We’ve all been given experience in this life that we haven’t been able to process consciously. For whatever reason, it was just too much. Overflow in the vessel.To turn toward it directly was a portal …

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In times when the center is lost

There are times in our lives when the rug gets pulled out from underneath us – the death of an old dream and how it was all supposed to turn out. What was once so …

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Pulling back the veil so that we can see

In alchemy, things coming apart and falling away are essential stages of the work, evidence of the transmutation and the emergence of the red stone: something/ someone in my life, or some way of being-perceiving, …

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