It can be an act of love (and revolution) to take a few moments each day to pause and interrupt the density of the collective right now, the trance-loops of disembodiment, and the pull up into sympathetic arousal, restlessness, and stress.It can seem as if there were a slow descent of cortisol or adrenaline dripping down into organ, muscle, and cell tissue; into throat, heart, belly, and into the air and soil around us. Infusing the space around and inside.It’s seductive out there, and so easy to find ourselves on autopilot, tangled in spirals of repetitive, unfresh thinking, disconnected from our senses, our bodies, and especially from what we’re feeling.But the unlived life, the untended grief, the unmetabolized shame, fear, apathy, wild joy, and rage – and the figures carrying these experiences – are circling and longing for a home in which they can be held, and from which they can share their voice, body, and mercy-essence.There is a spin in the collective matrix that requires our presence, our care, fidelity, and devotion to move behind the veil, even if for just a moment. To call forth the wisdom-guides to help us to see, and to feel.What is emerging now, in my body, belly, heart, and throat; in the imaginal field; what is it that is alive in the somatic unconscious that is needed at this time?What am I experiencing right now, in my body and in my vision, without any interpretation or commentary; without referring back to what I already know and what this world is telling me? Just for a moment. It will all be there waiting for us when we return.Just a few moments of raw immediate, embodied knowing, right-brain attunement, image, feeling, sensation, senses open.Even if a few times a day we can return into the crystalline, transparent vessel, perhaps love can find its way through into this world, with us as its vehicle. To find some sort of open portal though which it can incarnate into a world that so needs it right now.