The 2000s were certainly a time to be alive. Low-rise jeans were the rage as was High School Musical. Paps followed the every move of waify-thin stars like Lindsay Lohan and Paris Hilton around LA and the world. Plus, let’s not forget that in the early 2000s, Sex & the City was a seasonal weekly TV show airing on HBO, not one that was available to stream at any waking moment. Ah, the good old days!
On this throwback Thursday, we’re taking a step back in time to see what some of the most popular celebs from the 2000s were spotted carrying. We dug deep into our photo service and found over a dozen shots of the starlets of yesteryear and their beloved bags. Fashion and trends are cyclical, so it comes as no surprise that many of the below bags are relevant again. However, some of these outfits we would be perfectly fine leaving right where they lay; in the past.
One thing is for certain, stars loved their fair share of Louis Vuitton, Dior and Balencaiaga. Some things never change. Take a look at our finds and let us know which of these bags you’d carry today!
The post A Look Back at Some of the Bags Starlets Carried in the 2000s appeared first on PurseBlog.