It’s July 1st, which means that today we’ve officially made it through half of 2020—wow! As we enter the 7th month of the year and the official start to summer is behind us, the countdown to fall begins. While it may seem a bit strange to start talking about fall just as the temperatures begin to rise, fashion lovers know that the hot weather means one thing: fall arrivals are on the horizon.
Earlier this week we took a look at bag pre-orders from some of our favorite brands like Prada, Gucci, Bottega Veneta and more. Though these bags won’t make it into our hands for a few months, it’s at this time when brands give us a better look at the details of their newest bags. Prior to pre-order season, consumers usually only get a glimpse of what’s to come for an upcoming season either via a brand’s runway shows and lookbooks, or via social media.
Once online retailers list bags for pre-order, would-be purchasers can get an in-depth look at a bag’s color options, dimensions, internal capacity and more. It’s these details that are crucial when deciding if a bag that catches your eye is functional enough to actually warrant a purchase. To sum it up, now is the time to start planning your fall bag buys. That is, if you plan to make a purchase this fall at all.
Earlier this year we asked what your handbag goals for 2020 were, and many of you discussed the idea of shopping your own closets, and whether it was foreshadowing what was to come this year, the act of appreciating (and using) what we already own has become more relevant than ever. With unemployment hitting an all-time high and businesses being forced to scale back on payroll, many will continue to reassess how they shop.
However as with any resolution or pact we make with ourselves, sometimes as time wears on we make exceptions to new rules, and as handbag lovers sometimes something comes along that we must have. So as we move into the second half of 2020 we want to know: are you on a bag-buying ban still or are you in the midst of easing up? Do you plan to make a purchase this fall?
The post What Are Your Fall Bag-Buying Plans? appeared first on PurseBlog.