What Makes A Good Handbag

Purchasing a bad handbag online can ruin your day. How often have you purchase a handbag by looking at beautiful instagrammable photos of the product only to be disappointed when it arrives at your door? Before you purchase a handbag, make sure it’s a good one. Here’s a breakdown of what makes a good handbag good.

A Good Handbag Starts with Good Material

The fabric makes the bag. Here at Bliss, Hope & Joy, most of our handbags are made of animal-free vegan leather. What you may not know is that there are different kinds of faux leather. The one that you are probably familiar with polyvinyl chloride (PVC) or polyurethane (PU). Both are chemical-based and tend to be a lot more flexible and “plasticky”. Our handbags are made primary with cork and kelp, which is environmentally friendlier and better in many ways including:

Durability. Our material tends to be more durable and longer lasting, but still probably the same weight compared to most other brands.

Strength. Even with different faux leather of the same weight, different compositions can make a fabric stiffer or softer. The material we use stands up with time and usage, and feels like real leather.

Quality zippers and hardware. Our handbags come with quality zippers, straps and clasps. Our zippers glide smoothly; our buttons and clasps close neatly and easily.

We also have a no-risk guarantee. If you aren’t satisfied with any of our handbags, just return it to us within 14 days in the condition we sent you, and we will quickly refund the purchase.

Take a look at some of our handbags and purchase a handbag that will serve you faithfully for years:


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