Snakeskin is Here to Stay and We’re Sharing Our Favorite Snakeskin Bags Available Right Now

Snakeskin is easily one of my favorite fashion prints because even when it’s not “in”, you can eternally rely on it to provide its wearer with an effortlessly cool vibe, you know what I mean? Snakeskin isn’t a new design concept by any stretch of the imagination, but this iconic print has had an undeniable resurgence in the fashion industry over the last year and has shown no signs of slowing down. Even though snakeskin is very trendy at the moment, I’ve always regarded it as a classic print. For that reason, I consider snakeskin purchases to be investment pieces with the added benefit of being on-trend for 2020.

The use of snakeskin isn’t a novel idea in handbag designs, but the use of it in the latest handbag trends has brought on an onslaught of fresh designs created with this classic material. With so many options available on the market—in both faux and genuine snakeskin—it was tough to narrow down my favorites list to just a select few bags. Seriously, snakeskin is everywhere and there are tons of beautiful options available right now. I took my time and scoured the internet for my top snakeskin picks, which I have rounded up for you below.

While there were many bags I wanted to include on the list, I narrowed it down to my top favorite snakeskin bags below. I would like to obtain every single bag on the list, but the AQUA tote is already on its way to me! For $78, I truly could not resist.

What do you think about the snakeskin trend? Do you have a favorite bag in this iconic print?

The post Snakeskin is Here to Stay and We’re Sharing Our Favorite Snakeskin Bags Available Right Now appeared first on PurseBlog.

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