Organizations We’re Helping During the Coronavirus Pandemic

There’s this constant pressure that I feel behind my left eye, and sometimes that eye starts to twitch. It’s a slight issue, not one that really stands out enough to even notice, but sometimes when the kids are playing quietly or napping or I have a moment to think, I notice it. It’s stress, I know it. There are moments when I feel ok with everything going on, a sense of steady calmness that leaves me feeling like we’ll get through this and life will be back to normal. But then, in many other moments I worry.

I worry about the health and safety of my family. I worry for those who are sick. I worry for what this means financially for so many; from small business owners like ourselves, to hourly employees, to those who have already lost their jobs. I constantly think about the medical professionals who are fighting this on the frontline (without proper supplies at times). I think about those who don’t have the luxury to stay home, and daily must leave the safety of their homes to go to work to provide for their families and communities. I am so thankful for those who go to essential jobs to keep the rest of us fed and keep deliveries coming, keeping our lives a bit closer to our old ‘normal’. It is a luxury to stay home, not all can.

Vlad and I have spent some time finding local and national organizations that we have donated to. If you’d like to do the same, here are a few that maximize the effectiveness of every dollar contributed, which is always important when donating.

No Kid Hungry –

United Way (you can donate to the worldwide fund or local funds)

Prevent Child Abuse America

Doctors Without Borders

American Red Cross – there is a shortage of blood right now, you can set up a time to donate

Boys & Girls Clubs of America

Direct Relief

Meals on Wheels

Ronald McDonald House Charities

We are a small business that employs 4 people full-time, a handful of freelancers, a web development and design team, and a couple of illustrators. One way that we make money is through commission based off sales we sent to partners, meaning when you click on a shopping link on our site and purchase anything, we make a small commission on that sale. For all of April and May, we will be donating a portion of our proceeds to some of the charities listed above. We believe strongly in giving back, helping others, and doing our part.

If you are shopping online, bookmark our shopping page and click any of those links before you checkout. It helps us continue to employ our team during this time! We will continue to bring you content on designer bags and look forward to the day when we can all safely leave our homes again, embrace our friends and family, and of course, carry our bags.

Stay safe everyone.

The post Organizations We’re Helping During the Coronavirus Pandemic appeared first on PurseBlog.

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