Kali Mudra – Yoga Hand Gesture for courage, Inner Strength and Power

The Kali Mudra is among those mudras that possess the power of the goddess it is named after, Goddess Kali. She is considered to be one of the most powerful forms of a Shakti,  who is also the reincarnation of Goddess Durga. 

By interlocking your fingers and joining the index fingers of both hands, you are manifesting the sword of destruction. This destruction is of negative energy, energy blockages, emotional setbacks, and trauma, or any adverse situation or pattern that is keeping you stuck, mentally and spiritually.

In this article, we will let you know the meaning of this mudra, steps to perform, its benefits.

What is Kali Mudra?

Kali is derived from the Sanskrit word kala which means “time” or “black”. Thus, it comes as no surprise that Kali is also seen as the goddess of time, change, creation, and power. She is counted amongst one of the most powerful and fearsome deities in the Hindu culture.

Some may perceive or misinterpret her as an evil destructive force, but she is associated with fearlessness, inner strength, empowerment, and as someone who destroys sin and ignorance making way for moksha.

The Kali mudra does just that. It is an hasta mudra or hand gesture that gives you the power of letting go. It strengthens the positive thoughts and removes feelings of frustration, stress, tension, distractions, irritation, and aggravation. 

It clears out all the negative energy through the energy channels.

The gesture of joining the index finger and keeping them straight is a representation of the sword that kills illusion or maya.

The gesture of joining the index finger and keeping them straight is a representation of the sword that kills illusion or maya. The Kali Mudra is also known by the Ksepana Mudra, and Maha Kali Mudra.

How to perform Kali Mudra

You can perform the Kali Mudra in a seated, standing or supine position. This mudra can also be practiced while performing asanas where you are not actively using your hands or you have the liberty of playing around with the movement of the hands.

Any hasta mudra can be performed upto 45 minutes daily. You can also break up this time into 15 minutes 3 times a day. And the best time to practice any mudra is the Brahma Muhurta.

For ease of explanation, we will be listing the steps for a seated position.

  • Sit in a comfortable pose, preferable Sukhasana (Easy Pose), Padmasana (Lotus Pose) or Vajrasana (Thunderbolt Pose).
  • Bring your palms infront your head and join them together in Anjali Mudra.
  • Except the index fingers, interlock all the other fingers. Your left thumb will be crossed over the right thumb.
  • With the index fingers joint and kept straight, point your hands towards the ground.
  • You can chant the mantra ‘Om Krim Kali’ to invoke the blessing of Goddedd Kali and ask for her protection and guidance.
  • Meditate with this mudra for 15 minutes.

Tips to remember

The Kali Mudra should always be pointed towards the ground to release negative energy. Whereas in Sat Kriya of Kundalini Yoga Kriya, this mudra is pointed towards the sky to awaken the kundalini shakti.

The left side of the body is considered to be female-energy (Shakti) dominant which is why the left thumb is kept over the right thumb.

Precautions for practicing the mudra

Do not practice this mudra for longer duration as it can result in loss of positive energy as well.

If you are incorporating the mudra with a yoga asana, you should be clear about the effects of the combined power of the asana and mudra before starting the practice. If your physical or mental health doesn’t allow you to carry forward with it, you should stop practicing immediately.

If you have a high metabolism, you should avoid practicing the mudra as kali mudra inspires you to let go. This power affects on a physical level as well by enhancing excess elimination of waste from the body.

Benefits of Kali Mudra

Practicing the Kali Mudra will give you the strength to overcome and get out of the vicious cycle of negative thought patterns and emotions. You will have the courage to let go of the things that serve no purpose in your life. And just like the Goddess Kali, you will also become fearless to face any challenge head-on.

Here are some benefits of practicing the Kali Mudra to inspire your further:

  • Improves the positive energy flow by destroying any negative energies.
  • The positive energy helps in removing mental stress as well as stress on joints and muscles. 
  • It helps with mental detox by removing unwanted thoughts and draining negative emotions. This cleansing of the mind helps improve the flow of prana energy.
  • This power of letting go also aids physical detoxification by improving the digestive system, respiratory system, and the process of removal of toxins through sweat.
  • The Kali mudra is extremely beneficial in giving you the strength and courage to begin something new by removing fearful and anxious thoughts.
  • When combined with asanas, meditation, or pranayama, it will reduce symptoms of depression, anxiety, stress, tension, etc.
  • It also activates and stimulates the third eye and crown chakra when the hand is pointed upwards.
  • A calm and peaceful mind will encourage restful sleep.


Goddess Kali is worshipped as a fearless goddess who eliminated evilness. The same fearlessness is manifested in the practitioner through the practice of Kali Mudra. The sword-like hand gesture strengthens your willpower to eliminate all negative thoughts, emotions, and feelings. 

By making the mind resolute, it encourages the practitioners to adapt to change and get rid of thoughts that are keeping you back from pursuing your goals. Thus, practicing the Kali Mudra will improve your mental strength to take on life with vigor.

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