I Bought a Dozen Bags Over the Last Year and These Three Are My Favorites

Over the last year I have added a number of bags to my collection. Recently, I was taking inventory of my wardrobe when I realized I’ve added about a dozen bags to my collection since last spring, which is a lot (even for me). I don’t want to say I regret buying so many because I certainly love all of them. They each play an integral role in my wardrobe, but there are three star players that stand out. I wouldn’t hesitate to purchase them again—these three bags give me those giddy, “what did I do without you” and “I can’t live without you” feelings, and I highly recommend them to anyone looking to purchase a new handbag. If you want to treat yourself to a new bag, I’ve listed my three favorite recent purchases below. You never know, you could even end up being my bag twin!

The post I Bought a Dozen Bags Over the Last Year and These Three Are My Favorites appeared first on PurseBlog.

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