13 Best Food To Eat For Weight Loss And Energy

We all dream of having the perfect body, but the process of weight loss is super hard. You’re constantly hungry. Your energy levels are depleting. You feel irritated. But it’s mostly hard because you’re not providing your body with the right nutrients.

Healthy weight loss requires a complete lifestyle transformation and diet changes, and the only way you’re going to stick to it is by eating foods that you actually enjoy and that give you energy.

So, are you feeling lost searching for the best food to eat for weight loss that will put the sparkle back into your eyes? We’ve got you covered!

We have prepared a list of foods that are not only excellent for weight loss but also easy to prepare and combine. All you have to do is amp up your grocery list with these overachievers now, and thank us later.

1. Whole Eggs

Let me guess, you already knew eggs were going to make the cut, right? Well, eggs may be a weight-loss classic, but they will keep both your belly and batteries full!

After years of being labeled as a food that can cause bad LDL cholesterol, eggs are making a big comeback on the weight-loss scene. They are one of the best weight-loss-friendly foods that are available, cheap, and easy to prepare.

A high-protein breakfast or brunch—including a delicious veggie omelet or a poached egg on a toast—can be very satiating during a busy day. Even a hard-boiled egg atop a delicious salad can keep you full until dinner time.

2. Leafy Greens

If you are looking to shed those extra pounds, one of the dietary changes you can make is to include more leafy greens in your meals.

Spinach, kale, lettuce, cabbage, microgreens, just to name a few, are superfoods loaded with fiber, vitamins, and minerals. They are perfect for adding in salads or as a side dish.((The Healthy Cuisine: 8 Health Benefits Of Eating Green Leafy Vegetables))

Eating leafy greens will add volume to your meals without breaking the calorie count. You will feel full throughout the day, but you won’t feel guilty about eating a big lunch.

3. Fatty Fish

When it comes to indulging in some healthy protein, you can’t go wrong with a nice fillet of fatty fish. Tuna, salmon, and sardines are always great choices because they are rich in omega-3s and lean protein. The unsaturated fatty acids and minerals found in salmon make it an excellent dinner choice.

Salmon is also rich in vitamin D, which, according to research, can help with weight loss and weight control.((NCBI: Effect of Vitamin D Supplementation on Weight Loss, Glycemic Indices, and Lipid Profile in Obese and Overweight Women: A Clinical Trial Study)) A portion of salmon also contains 25% of your daily vitamin B6, which is great for mood and stress regulation.

A nice fatty fish meal will keep your hunger at bay and help you avoid unwanted cravings later in the day or night. It is the best food to eat for weight loss if you ask me!

4. Apple Cider Vinegar

It’s true: The healthy lifestyle community swears by the powers of apple cider vinegar.

This health tonic comes with a long list of benefits. Several studies suggest that it helps maintain blood sugar balance, controls the appetite, and improves metabolism.((Healthline: Can Apple Cider Vinegar Help You Lose Weight?))

The recommended amount of this ‘elixir’ is 1 to 2 tablespoons per day. Toss it on a boring salad or mix it with some water and take it before a meal. You will feel the hunger subsiding with every passing minute.

5. Nuts

With such a big variety, you probably have trouble figuring out the best way to incorporate nuts into your diet. Well, they make a great heart-healthy snack full of monosaturated fats. If you used to reach for the chips or pretzels, nuts can be your guilt-free pleasure from now on.

But if you want to avoid snacking in between meals at any cost, you can toss a few into your morning shake, and you are good to go. Human-based studies suggest that people who consume nuts regularly are fitter and healthier than those who don’t, mostly due to the nuts’ effect on supercharging metabolisms.((Healthline: 8 Health Benefits of Nuts))

6. Quinoa

Quinoa is a household name in the health food department. It’s gluten-free, high in fiber and protein, and rich in vitamins B and E. Most importantly, it’s one of the rare plant foods that contain ample amounts of all nine essential amino acids.

These properties of the quinoa seeds will make you feel fuller for longer and stop you from reaching for unhealthy snacks. It’s also low on the glycemic index, which is great as it doesn’t totally disrupt blood sugar levels.

7. Avocado

Trendy, popular, and packing a ton of health benefits, avocado is like a gold medalist at the healthy fats Olympics. The reasons why avocado is considered a weight management champion are many. Unlike most fruits that are loaded with carbs, avocados are rich in healthy fats, fibers, and water. These characteristics make them less energy-dense and one of the best weight loss foods.

Your salad feels kinda boring? Adding a ripe avocado will make all the difference. Just keep it moderate, and you’ve found yourself another superfood that can help you fight the pounds.

8. Citrus Fruits

Do you feel drained and unwilling to exercise? Would a little bit of sunshine in your life improve your mood? If your answer is ‘Yes,’ we’ve got just the right food to give you back your energy.

Citrus fruits like lemons, oranges, limes, grapefruits, and a few others are loaded with vitamins, fiber, and water, so they fill you up easily. They also contain a sufficient amount of potassium to reduce bloating and antioxidants that fight inflammation.

9. Peanut Butter

Surprised to find peanut butter on this list?

Don’t be, and here’s why: Whether you prefer it creamy or chunky, peanut butter will keep you feeling full and satisfied during a busy day.

It may not be the first food that comes to mind when trying to shed some pounds, but it packs unbelievable 8 grams of protein and up to 4 grams of fiber per serving.

If you are still wondering how peanut butter supports weight loss, it’s because it kills hunger, controls your appetite, and keeps your blood sugar in check.

10. Full-Fat Greek Yogurt

Greek Yogurt is one of the most popular dairy products at the moment, and rightly so!

Wonder why?

Well, it may sound hard to believe, but studies indicate that full-fat yogurt works a lot better for weight loss than low-fat dairy products.((Healthline: How Probiotics Can Help You Lose Weight and Belly Fat)) Unsweetened full-fat yogurt carries strong probiotic features that help boost immunity, regulate gut function, and banish bloat.

A healthy gut lowers the risk of inflammation and resistance to leptin (the hormone that regulates appetite, body weight, and metabolism). Always choose full-fat yogurt with five or more active cultures. Other forms of yogurt have plenty of added sugars and virtually no probiotics.

11. Berries

Barries rank quite high among the fiber-rich fruits. Blueberries and raspberries are many people’s fruit of choice. A cup of berries contains around 6 to 8 grams of fiber, and as you probably know, fiber has been linked with energy levels and weight management.

They are extremely healthy, contain less sugar than most fruits, and make a great snack or dessert. Add powerful antioxidant traits to the mixture, and you got yourself healthy and refreshing addition to a well-balanced breakfast.

If you are still not convinced, throw a few barriers together with some Greek yogurt in the morning. It will feel like a treat for body and soul. We promise!

12. Herbs and Spices

Are you tired of eating plain and boring food while working on your figure? Are all healthy choices also tasteless? Let me tell you a different story!

Taking care of your health doesn’t mean you should sentence your taste buds to death. The moment you throw some extra seasoning in the pan, your hate for dieting will sizzle away. Avoid the salt shaker (sodium adds to water-retentions and makes you bloated) and reach for the herbs and spices shelf.

My favorite seasonings to use are:

  • basil
  • cilantro
  • cinnamon
  • rosemary
  • curry
  • cumin
  • oregano
  • ginger
  • black pepper

13. Dark chocolate

I left the best for last! Studies show that dark chocolate may be one of the best foods to eat for weight loss. It reduces cravings and promotes feelings of fullness, which may help you win the battle with the pounds.((PubMed: Appetite Suppression Through Smelling of Dark Chocolate Correlates with Changes in Ghrelin in Young Women))

As an up-and-coming member of the superfoods club, it confirms its status by improving insulin sensitivity, lifting mood, and boosting your energy. If you have a sweet tooth, dark chocolate will make the perfect snack for you as long as you are careful not to go overboard on it.

The Bottom Line

There is an abundant variety when it comes to choosing the best foods to eat for weight loss. Fill your shopping cart with lots of lean protein, fresh fruits and vegetables, nuts, and whole grains, and you won’t have to worry about taking your healthy fats and proteins, fibers, antioxidants, vitamins, or minerals. All of these nutrients produce energy within the cells, boost your immune system, and help you lose weight.

When it comes to losing weight, switching to a healthier lifestyle is more important than simply focusing on specific foods. So, are you ready to finally beat the pounds?

More Great Food to Eat for Weight Loss

  • 15 of the Best Fruits for Weight Loss and How to Enjoy Them Daily
  • 15 Most Effective and Nutritious Healthy Foods to Lose Weight
  • 8 Best Teas for Weight Loss and Fat Burning
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