What I’m Releasing in 2020

My dear friends,

It’s hard for me to believe, but we are starting to wrap up the 2020 calendar year. What a year, right? I know that this year has not gone as any of us planned, and it’s turned our lives upside down and made us question everything. 

I know we all have experienced our own personal traumas and tragedies as well as the collective. Tough times may make us feel down and broken in the moment, but I really do feel that the silver lining in these times, is,  that we gain knowledge, strength, and a new sense of resiliency that helps us to face the next new challenge with an ounce more grace and ease.

I’ve felt extra reflective this year, as I process all that has happened, and feel really tapped in to what I wish to release as we close out 2020.

That’s the beauty about difficulty, it shows us exactly what we don’t want, or what we wish to discontinue, and I believe that 2020 has been a perfect mirror for just that.

As this year nears completion, I choose to release

…the desire to compare myself with someone else.

I really believe that we are all here for a unique purpose, and we are given special talents, gifts, and circumstances to help us fulfill it. How incredible is that when we think about it? Why should we ever try to compare our amazingly special selves with someone else? We tend to waste so much time in comparison, rather than honoring, owning, and cultivating the magic that is already within us. As we been a new year and a new chapter in 2021, it is my deep desire to keep bringing out my own sparkle, and allowing others to shine at the same time.

…the need to be on someone else’s timeline.

For so long I’ve felt that my life has to fit into other people’s preconceived notions and pre-planned timelines. My life never seemed to fit into these standards, and I would often feel bad about that. With the concept of timing being so upside down this year, I’ve really learned and embraced the concept that our lives are all on perfectly unique timelines. It’s futile to try to fit your life and your path into someone else’s ideals. Trust your life, the timing of it, and how it’s meant to unfold.

…the doubt and fear that comes with uncertainty.

What I know for certain is that we will never be able to control what happens externally. Life will always be unpredictable, sometimes chaotic, and with that brings a wide variety of feelings and emotions. Usually, the unknown and the uncertain bring up fear and doubt. Rather than perpetually thinking, “what could go wrong” I wish to reframe that and be curious about  “what could go right”. This helps me to feel stronger, calmer, and more at peace when managing whatever life presents to me, in any given moment.

I’d love to hear what you are starting to release as we close out 2020. Let me know what you’re thinking in the comments!

Xo, Michelle

The post What I’m Releasing in 2020 appeared first on Peaceful Mind Peaceful Life.

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