Tuesday Shoesday: Sporty Sandals

The summer solstice, which is the official start to summer, is almost here and if you haven’t already broken out your open-toed shoes, now is the time. We’re back at it today with a fresh batch of footwear on this Tuesday shoesday. One of the biggest shoe trends this summer is the sporty sandal trend. As athleisure and streetwear continue to reign supreme it’s not surprising that sporty sandals are back. Last year we saw a surge in these styles, and this year there are more options than ever. While some of our favorite designers like Prada and Gucci are offering up some pretty pricey pairs, other brands will allow you to tap into this trend at a much more affordable price. If you’re here for funky footwear we’ve got some perfect picks below!

The post Tuesday Shoesday: Sporty Sandals appeared first on PurseBlog.

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